SESSION 3. “Ancient forests” yes but how to move forward? (Chairman: Kervyn Th.)
Cywa K., - Selection of wood raw material for the production of everyday use objects in Polish strongholds and early urban centres in the Middle Ages
Fouedjeu Foumou L., Py-Saragaglia V., Paradis-Grenouillet S., Cunill Artigas R., Brun C. Saulnier M., Métailié J-P. – Reconstruction with a high spatio-temporal resolution the past forest dynamics and charcoal making activities in an upper metallurgical valley in the eastern Pyrenees: first geoarchaeological, dendro- and anthracological results
Gianguzzi L., Castrorao Barba A., Bazan G. – History and forest vegetation dynamics of the Favorita Park in the Palermo suburbs (NW Sicily)
Gironde Ducher M. – Ecological and historical study of the ancient forest massifs in Auvergne public forests
Grasso A-M., Pignatelli O., Vacca E., Minonne F., Primavera M., Fiorentino G. – OAKscape Project: Archaeo-Palaeobotanical Research for a history of oak forest in the “Parco Naturale costa Otranto-Leuca e Bosco di Tricase” (Southern Italy)
Green Franck. – Managing the ancient forest know as the “new forest”
Muller Th., Forrest D., Parry L., Bishop P. – Reconstructing past woodland cover and historical trajectories of ancient woodlands since the 18th century (South West Scotland)
Saulnier M., Py-Saragaglia V., Fouedjeu-Foumou L., Cunill Artigas R. – ChronoPy: temporal resolution’s improvement of radiocarbon dates