Chantal Aspe – Senior Lecturer (environmental sociology), LPED UMR 151 IRD, University of Aix-Marseille (France)
Sylvain Burri – Research officer CNRS (history and archaeology), LA3M, UMR 7298 – University of Aix-Marseille (France)
Sandrine Paradis-Grenouillet – Postdoctoral researcher Marie-Curie (historical geography and archaeobotany) - Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italy)
Romain Rouaud – Postdoctoral researcher (geography), GEOLAB, UMR 6042 CNRS, University of Limoges (France)
Paul Arnould – Professor (geography), EVS, UMR 5600 CNRS, University of Lyon (France)
Jérôme Buridant – Lecturer (geography), Edysan, University of Picardie (France)
Gian Pietro Brogiolo – Professor (archaeology), Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italy)
Alexandra Chavarria -Professoressa (archaeology), Dipartimento dei beni culturali, archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. University of Padova (Italy)
Alan Crivellaro - Assistant professor (wood technology), Tesaf, University of Padoue (Italy)
Jean-Luc Dupouey - Research director (forest ecology), EEF, UMR INRA UL - 1137, University of Lorrain (France)
Frédéric Guibal – Research officer (palaeoecology), IMBE, UMR 7263 CNRS, University of Aix-Marseille (France)
Thierry Kervyn – Scientific attached (forest ecology and forest management), Service Public de Wallonie, Département d'étude du milieu naturel et agricole (Belgium)
Keith Kirby - Visiting Researcher (forest ecology), Department of Plant Sciences. University of Oxford (United Kingdon)
Emanuele Lingua – Assistant professor (forest ecology), Tesaf, University of Padoue (Italy)
Diego Moreno – Professor (geography), Dipartimento di Antichità, Filosofia e Storia (DAFIST) · Laboratorio di Archeologia e storia ambientale; University of Genova (Italy)
Nicoletta Martinelli – Doctor of Philisophy (dendrochronology), Laboratorio Dendrodata, Verona (Italy)
Oliver Nelle – Lecturer (archaeobotany), DendrochronologischesLabor, LandesamtfürDenkmalpflege, University of Stuttgart (Germany)
Cristiano Nicosia – Researcher (geoarchaeology) CreA-Patrimoine, University of Bruxelles (Belgium)
Xavier Rochel - Lecturer (geography) Loterr , University of Lorraine (France)